Abkürzungverzeichnis für CR

Link Artikel
C2R car to roadside (automotive) (en)
C2X car to x (en)
CA collision avoidance (en)
CA carrier aggregation (en)
CA conditional access (DVB) (en)
CA control account (PM) (en)
CA congestion avoidance (en)
CA computer aided (en)
CA contingency analysis (smart grid) (en)
CA certification authority (PKI) (en)
CAA controlled access area (BNG) (en)
CAAC computer aided advertising system (en)
CaaS communication as a service (cloud computing) (en)
CABAC context based adaptive binary arithmetic coding (H.263, H.264) (en)
CAC customer acquisition cost (en)
CAC channel access code (Bluetooth) (en)
CAC call admission control (en)
CAC connection admission control (ATM) (en)
CAC call accepted (en)
CAD computer aided design (en)
CADE corporate average data center efficiency (en)
CAE common application environment (X/Open) (en)
CAE computer aided engineering (en)
CAES compressed air energy storage (smart grid) (en)
CAFM computer aided facility management (en)
CAI computer aided instruction (en)
CAI common air interface (mobile communications) (en)
CAIDI customer average interruption duration index (en)
CAIFI customer average interruption frequency index (smart grid) (en)
CAL CAN application layer (en)
CALEA communication assistance for law enforcement act (USA) (en)
CALM communication access for land mobiles (automotive) (en)
CALM continuous-air long and medium range (automotive) (en)
CALS computer aided acquisition, logistics and support (DoD) (en)
CAM content addressable memory (en)
CAM conditional access module (digital TV) (en)
CAM cooperative awareness message (C2C) (en)
CAM computer aided manufacturing (en)
CAMAC computer automated measurement and control (en)
Camcorder camera recorder (en)
CAMEL customized applications for mobile enhanced logic (en)
CAN campus area network (en)
CAN controller area network (en)
CAN cancel (control character) (en)
CAN-FD controller area network flexible data (en)
CAP computer aided publishing (en)
CAP carrierless amplitude-phase modulation (en)
CAP computer aided planning (en)
CAP cable access point (wiring) (en)
CapEx capital expenditures (en)
CAPI common application programming interface (ISDN) (en)
CAPS call attempts per second (en)
Captcha completely automated public turing test to tell computers from humans apart (en)
CAQ computer aided quality control (en)
CAR committed access rate (en)
CardOS card operating system (en)
CARIN car information and navigation system (Navigation) (en)
CARP cache array routing protocol (en)
CAS code access security (.NET) (en)
CAS columm access strobe (memory) (en)
CAS content addressed storage (SAN) (en)
CAS channel associated signalling (ATM) (en)
CAS communications applications specification (en)
CAS computer aided selling (en)
CASB cloud access security broker (en)
CASE connected, autonomous, shared, electric (automotive) (en)
CASE common application service element (OSI) (en)
CASE computer aided software engineering (en)
CAST Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares (en)
Cat category (en)
CAT cable tester (en)
CAT-iq cordless advanced technology - internet and quality (DECT) (en)
CATI computer assisted telephone interviewing (en)
CATV cable television (en)
CAU controlled access unit (TR) (en)
CAUI 100 gigabit attachment unit interface (en)
CAV constant angular velocity (en)
CAVE cave automatic virtual environment (en)