Abkürzungverzeichnis für EA

Link Artikel
EA extended address (en)
EA electro absorptions modulator (en)
EA enterprise architecture (en)
EaaS encryption as a service (en)
EAC extended access control (nPA) (en)
EAC enhanced audio codec (en)
EAC estimate at completion (PM) (en)
EAI enterprise application integration (IT) (en)
EAL evaluation assurance level (en)
EAM enterprise asset management (en)
EAM enterprise architecture management (en)
EAN European article number (bar code) (en)
EAP extensible authentication protocol (en)
EAPoL EAP over LAN (en)
EAPS Ethernet automatic protection switching (en)
EAR Elektro-Altgeräte-Register (de)
EAR Elektro-Altgeräte-Register (de)
EARN European academic and research network (en)
EAROM electrically alterable ROM (en)
Earth energy aware radio and network technologies (en)
EAS expert agent selection (Call Center) (en)
EAS electronic article surveillance (RFID) (en)
eAuction electronic auction (en)
EAV end of active video (BT.656) (en)
EAZ Endgeräte-Auswahlziffer (de)
EAZ Endgeräte-Auswahlziffer (de)
EB exabyte (en)
EB Elektronische Berichterstattung (de)
EB Elektronische Berichterstattung (de)
EBB equipotential bondig bar (en)
EBCD extended binary coded decimal (en)
EBCDIC extended binary coded decimal interchange code (en)
EBCMCS enhanced broadcast multicast service (CDMA2000) (en)
EBICS electronic banking Internet communication standard (e-business) (en)
EBIF enhanced TV binary interchange format (en)
eBilling electronic billing (en)
EBM e-business messaging (en)
EBM electron beam melting (3D printing) (en)
EBO expanded beam optic (FO) (en)
EBONE European backbone (en)
eBook electronic book (en)
EBP efficiency bandwith product (amplifier) (en)
EBPP electronic bill presentation and payment (en)
eBrand electronic brand (en)
EBSI enhanced backup solutions initiative (en)
EBSS extended basic service set (WLAN) (en)
EBU European broadcasting union (en)
eBusiness electronic business (en)
ebXML e-business XML (en)