Fachwörter Deutsch für DB

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D-Band D band
D-Bit delivery confirmation bit (X.25)
D-Bus D bus
D-Cinema digital cinema
D-Flipflop delay flipflop
D-ILA-Projektor direct-drive image light amplifier (projector)
D-Kanal D channel
D-Kanal-Protokoll D channel protocol
D-Kanal-Zugriffssteuerung D channel access control
D-Netz D network
D'Appolito D'Appolito
D/S-Codierung data strobe
D1-Format D1 format
D1-Netz D1 network
D2-Format D2 format
D2-Netz D2 network
D2B-Bus domestic data bus
D2D-Kommunikation device-to-device communication
D3-Format D3 format
D5-Format D5 format
D6-Format D6 format
DA-Wandler digital to analoge converter
DAB-Datenstrom DAB stream
DAB-Surround DAB surround
Daisy-Chaining daisy chaining
DALI-Schnittstelle digital addressable lighting interface (E-home)
Dämonprozess disc and execution monitor
Dämpfung attenuation
Dämpfung-Nebensprech-Verhältnis attenuation to crosstalk ratio (wiring)
Dämpfungsbudget optical loss budget
Dämpfungsfaktor damping factor
Dämpfungsglied attenuator
DBA-Verfahren dynamic bandwidth allocation (PON)
dBase database format (dBase)
DBP-Codierung differential biphase coding
DBR-Laser distributed Bragg reflector (laser)
DCF-Dateistruktur design rules for camera file system
DCF-Faser dispersion compensating fiber
DCI-P3-Farbraum DCI-P3 color space
DCS-1800-Netz digital cellular system 1800 MHz (mobile communications)
DCS-Netz digital cellular system
DCT-Format DCT format
DCT-Transformation discrete cosine transformation (encoding)
DDCMP-Protokoll digital data communications message protocol (DEC)
DDoS-Attacke distributed denial of service (Internet)
DDP-Protokoll datagram delivery protocol (Apple)
DDR-Technologie double date rate synchronous DRAM
DDR-Verfahren double data rate
DDS-Laufwerk digital data storage
DDS-Service data distribution service (IoT)
DE-Bit discard eligibility (FR)
De-facto-Standard de facto standard
De-Jure-Standard de-jure standard
Deadlock deadlock
Debugger debugger
Deception deception technology
DECnet-Architektur Digital Equipment Corporations proprietary network architecture
Decoder decoder
Decomposition decomposition
DECT-Forum DECT forum
DECT-Standard DECT standard
Dedicated Mode dedicated mode
Dedicated Server dedicated server
Deduplizierung deduplication
Deep Color deep color
Deep Learning deep learning
Deep-Web deep web
Deepbot deepbot
Deepfake deepfake
Default default
Defense-in-Depth defense in depth
Defragmentierung defragmentation
Dehnungsmessstreifen strain gauge
Dekade decade
Deklarative Programmierung declarative programming
Dekompression decompression
Dekrement decrement
Delegation delegation (OOP)
Delisting delisting
Deltamodulation delta modulation
Demand-Priority-Verfahren demand priority
Demand-Side-Plattform demand side platform
Demilitarisierte Zone demilitarized zone (availability)
Demodulation demodulation
Demodulator demodulator
Demoware demoware
Demultiplex demultiplex
Denial-of-Sleep-Attacke denial of sleep attack
Depaketierung depacketizing
Dependency Injection dependency injection
Deployment Descriptor deployment descriptor
Depository depository
DES-Algorithmus data encryption standard algorithm
DES-DES-Verfahren (Geldverkehr) DES-DES approach
DES-Verschlüsselung data encryption standard
Desaster-Recovery disaster recovery
Descrambler descrambler
Deskriptor descriptor
Desktop desktop
Desktop-as-a-Service desktop as a service (cloud computing)
Desktopvirtualisierung virtual desktop infrastructure
Despun-Antenne despun antenna
Destination-Port-Feld destination port (TCP)
Destruktor destructor (OOP)
Detektor detector
Deterministischer Jitter deterministic jitter
Deutlichkeit clarity
Deutscher Fernmeldesatellit German communications satellite system
Deutscher NIC german NIC
Deutsches Forschungsnetz German research network
Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. German Standards Institution
Device-Identifikationsnummer device identification
DeviceNet DeviceNet
DevOps-as-a-Service DevOps as a service
Dezentrale Applikation decentralized application
Dezentrale Umgebungsbenachrichtigung decentralized environmental notification (C2x)
Dezibel decibel
Dezibel Mikrovolt decibel microvolt
Dezibel Millivolt decibel millivolt
Dezibel Milliwatt decibel milliwatt
Dezibel Watt decibel watt
Dezimalsystem decimal system
Dezimaltabulator decimal tabulator