Fachwörter Deutsch für SV

Link Deutsch Englisch
SVG-Dateiformat scalable vector graphics (file format, XML)
SVGA-Format super video graphics adapter
Swap swap
SWAP-Protokoll shared wireless access protocol (HomeRF)
SWDM-Allianz SWDM alliance
Sweetspot sweetspot
Swing swing
Switch switch
Switching-Fabric switching fabric
Switching-Subsystem switching subsystem (GSM)
Switching-System switching system
SXGA-Format super extended graphics adapter
Symbolleiste property bar
Symbolrate symbol rate
Symboltabelle symbol chart
Symbolübersprechen inter symbol interference
Symmetrierglied balanced/unbalanced (wiring)
Symmetrische Leiter symmetric cables (twistep pair)
Symmetrische Verschlüsselung symmetrical encryption
Symmetrisches Signal balanced signal
SYN-Flooding SYN flooding (TCP)
Synchron synchronous
Synchron-Übertragung synchronous transmission
Synchroner Transportmodul n synchronous transport module (SDH)
Synchroner Übertragungsmodus synchronous transfer mode
Synchrones Zeitmultiplex synchronous time division multiplexing
Synchronimpuls synchronous puls
Synchronisation synchronization
Synchronisations-Bit sync bit
Synchronisations-Flag synchronization flag (TCP)
Synchronisationskanal synchronization channel (GSM)
SyncML-Initiative SyncML Initiative
Synkro-Protokoll Synkro protocol
Syntax syntax
Synthesizer synthesizer
Synthetische Daten synthetic data
System system
System Access Control system access control
System Development and Maintenance system development and maintenance
System-Basis-Chip system basis chip
System-in-Package system in package (Chip)
System-on-Chip system on chip
System-on-Module system on module
Systemanwendungsarchitektur systems application architecture (IBM)
Systembus system bus
Systemdienst-Steuerzentrale system services control point (SNA)
Systemintegration system integration
Systemmanagement system management
Systemsoftware system software
Systemsteuerung panel control
Systemverwalter administrator