Fachwörter Englisch für IN

Link Englisch Deutsch
in circuit test In-Circuit-Test
in the wild (Virus) ITW-Virus
in-cable control box (charging system) In-Kabel Kontrollbox
in-house cable Innenkabel
in-memory computing In-Memory-Computing
in-memory database In-Memory-Datenbank
in-plane switching (display) IPS-Display
in-vehicle infotainment (automotive) In-Vehicle Infotainment
in-vehicle network Fahrzeug-Bordnetz
inband range Innenband-Bereich
inband signalling Innenband-Signalisierung
inbound Inbound
inbound link Inbound Link
inbound marketing Inbound-Marketing
inbox Posteingangsfach
inch Inch
incident response (DevOps) Incident-Response
inclination Inklination
incompatibility Inkompatibilität
inconsistency Inkonsistenz
increment Inkrement
incremental backup Inkrementelles Backup
incremental snapshot Inkrementelle Momentaufnahme
incubator Inkubator
index Index
index paste Indexpaste
index-sequential access method (IBM) Index-sequentieller Zugriff
indexed transaction number Indizierte Transaktionsnummer
indexing Indexierung
indium Indium
indium gallium arsenide InGaAs-Halbleiterlaser
indium gallium nitride (LED) InGaN-Halbleiterlaser
indium phosphide Indiumphosphid
indium tin oxyde (LCD) Indium-Zinnoxid
indoor antenna Zimmerantenne
indoor fibers LwL-Innenkabel
indoor unit (Sat.-Kom.) Inneneinheit
induction Induktion
inductive loop Induktionsschleife
inductivity Induktivität
industrial camera Industriekamera
industrial control system Industrielles Steuerungssystem
industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet
industrial Internet of things Industrie-IoT
industrial PC Industrie-Computer
industrial PCI IndustrialPCI
industrial RJ 45 connector Industrial-RJ45-Stecker
industrial robot Industrieroboter
industrial, scientific, and medical (WLAN) ISM-Band
industry 4.0 Industrie 4.0
industry pack (computer on module) IP-Modul
industry standard architecture (PC) ISA-Bus
inertial measurement unit Trägheitsmesseinheit
inertial navigation system (drone) Trägheits-Navigationssystem
inertial sensor Inertialsensor
infill Füllung
InfiniBand InfiniBand
infinite impulse response (filter) IIR-Filter
influencer Influencer
infocall Inforuf
information Information
information access service (IrDA) IAS-Protokoll
information and communications technology Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
information and content exchange ICE-Protokoll
information appliance Information-Appliance
information asymmetry Informations-Asymmetrie
information element Informationselement
information field Informationsfeld
information frame (HDLC) I-Frame
information management Informationsmanagement
information processing Informationsverarbeitung
information retrieval system (DB) Information-Retrieval-System
information search program Informationssuchprogramm
information security Informationssicherheit
information security management system Informationssicherheits-Managementsystem
information separator Informationstrennzeichen
information system Informationssystem
information technology Informationstechnik
informercials Informercials
infoscreen Infoscreen
infotainment Infotainment
infra sound Infraschall
infrared Infrarot
infrared bus Infrarot-Bus
infrared data association IrDA-Technik
infrared detector Infrarotsensor
infrared filter Infrarotfilter
infrared LAN (IrDA) Infrarot-LAN
infrared LED Infrarot-LED
infrared method (touchscreen) Infrarot-Touchscreen
infrared mouse Infrarot-Maus
infrastructure Infrastruktur
infrastructure as a service (cloud computing) Infrastructure-as-a-Service
infrastructure mode Infrastruktur-Modus
ingot Ingot
ingress Ingress
ingress filtering Ingress-Filterung
ingress protection Schutzart
inherent noise Eigenrauschen
inheritance Vererbung
initialization Initialisierung
initialization mode (HDLC) Vorbereitungsbetrieb
initialization vector (security) Initialisierungsvektor
injection laser diode ILD-Laser
ink cartridge Druckerpatrone
ink jet printer Tintenstrahldrucker
inland navigation radio Binnenschifffahrtsfunk
inlay Inlay
inline frame IFrame
inline linking Inline-Linking
Inmarsat P Inmarsat-P
Inmarsat service Inmarsat-Dienst
Inmarsat system Inmarsat-System
input device Eingabegerät
input impedance Eingangsimpedanz
input/output Ein-/Ausgabe
input/output bus I/O-Bus
input/output processor Eingabe-/Ausgabe-Prozessor
insertion depth Einschubtiefe
insertion loss (wiring) Einfügungsdämpfung
insight engine Insight Engines
instant copy Instant-Kopie
instant messaging Instant-Messaging
instore TV Instore-TV
instruction Anweisung
instruction decode unit (CPU) Befehlsdecoder
instruction format Befehlsformat
instruction register Befehlsregister
instruction set Befehlssatz
instruction set architecture (DSP) Befehlsarchitektur
insulation Isolierung
insulation displacement connection Schneidklemmtechnik
insulation resistance Isolationswiderstand
integer Integer
integral non-linearity Integrale Nichtlinearität
integrated circuit Integrierte Schaltung
integrated communications cabling system ICCS-Verkabelungssystem
integrated development environment Integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung
integrated digital network Integriertes Digitalnetz
integrated gate commutated thyristor IGCT-Thyristor
integrated heat spreader (CPU) Wärmeverteilblech
integrated interchip sound I2S-Bus
integrated mobile broadband system Integriertes breitbandiges Mobilkommunikationssystem
integrated optical circuit Integrierte optische Schaltung
integrated product policy Integrierte Produktpolitik
integrated risk management Integriertes Risikomanagement
integrated services over specific link layer ISSLL-Framework
integrated services private branch exchange Telekommunikationsanlage
integration broker Integrationsbroker
integration density Integrationsdichte
integrator circuit Integrierglied
integrity Integrität
intellectual property Geistiges Eigentum
intelligent character recognition (OCR) Intelligente Zeichenerkennung
intelligent edge Intelligent Edge
intelligent I/O I2O-Bus
intelligent network Intelligentes Netz
intelligent network conceptional model (IN) IN-Schichtenmodell
intelligent orientation control (drone) Intelligente Orientierungssteuerung
intelligent personal assistant Intelligenter persönlicher Assistent
intelligent platform management bus (IPMI) IPMB-Bus
intelligent process automation (hyperautomation) Intelligente Prozessautomatisierung
intelligent system Intelligentes System
intelligent transport system (automotive) Intelligentes Transportsystem
intensity modulation (fiber optics) Intensitätsmodulation
inter access point protocol (802.11f) IAPP-Protokoll
inter integrated circuit bus I2C-Bus
inter range instrumentation group IRIG-Zeitcode
inter satellite link (sat com) Intersatellitenfunk
inter switch link Inter-Switch-Link
inter symbol interference Symbolübersprechen
inter-carrier compensation (BNG) Interncarrier-Kompensation
interaction Interaktion
interactive marketing Interactive Marketing
interactive multimedia association IMA-Algorithmus
interactive packaging Interaktive Verpackung
interactive processing Dialogbetrieb
interactive TV Interaktives Fernsehen
interactive voice response (CTI) Sprachdialogsystem
Interbus Interbus
interchange file format IFF-Dateiformat
interchange format Austauschformat
interdomain routing protocol (OSI) IDRP-Protokoll
interface Schnittstelle
interface data unit (OSI) Schnittstellen-Dateneinheit
interface design Schnittstellendesign
interface device Schnittstellenvorrichtung
interface ID (IPv6) Interface Identifier
interface message processor (Arpanet) Vermittlungsknoten
interface muiltiplexer Schnittstellenvervielfacher
interference Störsignal
interference Interferenz
interference cancellation (DSL) Interferenzunterdrückung
interference filter Interferenzfilter
interference immunity Störfestigkeit
interference-suppression capacitor Entstörkondensator
interferometry Interferometrie
interior gateway protocol IGP-Protokoll
interior gateway routing protocol IGRP-Protokoll
interlacing Zeilensprungverfahren
interleaving Interleaving
intermediate distribution frame (wiring) Zwischenverteiler
intermediate frequency Zwischenfrequenz
intermediate frequency amplifier ZF-Verstärker
intermediate system (OSI) Intermediate-System
intermediate system to intermediate system protocol (OSI) IS-IS-Protokoll
intermodulation Intermodulation
internal link Interner Link
internal resistance Innenwiderstand
international access code Internationale Vorwahlnummer
international alphabet 2 IA-2-Alphabet
international alphabet 5 IA-5-Alphabet
international atomic time Internationale Atomzeit
international bank account number Internationale Bankkontonummer
international color code Internationale Farbbezeichnung
international data encryption algorithm IDEA-Algorithmus
international electrotechnical commission Internationale elektrotechnische Kommission
international exchange Transit-Vermittlungsstelle
international location number Internationale Lokalisationsnummer
international mobile equipment identity (mobile communications) Internationale Mobilfunkkennung
international mobile subscriber identity (mobile communications) Internationale Mobilfunk-Teilnehmerkennung
international mobile telecommunications for the year 2000 IMT-2000
international organization for standardization Internationale Standardisierungs-Organisation
international radiation protection association Internationaler Strahlenschutzverband
international radio engineers IRE-Wert
international standard recording code ISRC-Code
international switching center Auslandvermittlungsstelle
international telecommunication union Internationale Fernmeldeunion
international telecommunications sattellite consortium Internationales Fernmeldesatelliten Konsortium
international telegraph alphabet Internationales Telegrafenalphabet
internationale leased lines Internationale Mietleitung
internationalization Internationalisierung
Internet Internet
Internet access Internetzugang
Internet account Internet-Account
Internet cache protocol ICP-Protokoll
Internet content adaption protocol ICAP-Protokoll
Internet control message protocol (TCP/IP) ICMP-Protokoll
Internet exchange point Internet-Knoten
Internet explorer Internet-Explorer
Internet fibre channel protocol (SAN) iFCP-Protokoll
Internet group management protocol IGMP-Protokoll
Internet inter-ORB protocol (CORBA) IIOP-Protokoll
Internet key exchange (IP) IKE-Protokoll
Internet layer Internet-Schicht
Internet mail access protocol IMAP-Protokoll
Internet message support protocol IMSP-Protokoll
Internet of things Internet der Dinge
Internet of value Internet der Werte
Internet printing protocol IPP-Protokoll
Internet protocol IP-Protokoll
Internet protocol control protocol IPCP-Protokoll
Internet protocol television Internetfernsehen
Internet protocol version 4 IPv4-Protokoll
Internet protocol version 6 IPv6-Protokoll
Internet protocols Internet-Protokolle
Internet small computer system interface over IP (SAN) iSCSI-Protokoll
Internet tax freedom act Internet Tax Freedom Act
Internet tuning Internet-Tuning
Internet2 Internet2
internetwork datagram protocol (XNS) IDP-Protokoll
internetwork packet exchange IPX-Protokoll
internetworking Internetworking
interoperability Interoperabilität
Interpak Interpak
interpolation Interpolation
interpreter Interpreter
interprocess communication Interprozesskommunikation
interrupt Unterbrechung
interrupt controller Interrupt-Controller
interrupt request Unterbrechungsanforderung
interstitial banner Interstitial-Banner
Intranet Intranet
intruder Eindringling
intrusion Eindringen
intrusion detection message exchange protocol (security) IDMEP-Protokoll
intrusion detection system (security) IDS-System
intrusion prevention system IPS-System
inverse discrete cosine transform IDCT-Transformation
inverse Fourier transformation Inverse Fourier-Transformation
inverse multiplexer Inverser Multiplexer
inversion of control Umkehrung des Kontrollflusses
inverter Inverter
inverting amplifier Invertierender Verstärker
invisible to visible Invisible-to-Visible-Technologie