Fachwörter Englisch für PC

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PC bus PC-Bus
PC card PC-Card
PC card bus PC-Card-Bus
PC card phone PC-Card-Phone
PC host connectivity PC-Host-Kopplung
PC network PC-Netz
PC/104 module PC/104-Modul
PC3200 PC2-3200
PC4200 PC2-4200
PC5300 PC2-5300
PC6400 PC2-6400
PC8 code PC8-Code
PCI express PCI-Express
PCI express for graphics PEG-Schnittstelle
PCI extended PCI-X-Bus
PCI Mezzanine card PMC-Modul
PCI, M-module, IP-module PC-MIP-Modul
PCM technology PCM-Technik
PDF417 bar code PDF417
peak cell rate (ATM) Spitzenzellenrate
peak clipping (hearing aid) Spitzenbegrenzung
peak envelope power HF-Spitzenleistung
peak filter Glockenfilter
peak music power output (loudspeaker) Spitzenmusikleistung
peak power Spitzenleistung
peak program meter Peakmeter
peak signal to noise rejection (video codec) Spitzen-Signal-Rauschabstand
pedestal Schwarzschulter
pedestrian detection (automotive) Fußgängererkennung
pedestrian forward collision warning (automotive) Fußgänger-Kollisionswarnsystem
peelable lacquer Abziehlack
peer Peer
peer to peer network Peer-to-Peer-Netz
peer to peer service Tauschbörse
peercasting Peercasting
peering Peering
Peltier element Peltierelement
pencil beam antenna Pencil-Beam-Antenne
penetration depth Eindringtiefe
penetration testing Penetrationstest
per-hop behavior (QoS) Per-Hop-Behavior
perceptual quantization (EOTF) PQ-Korrekturkurve
performance Performance
performance level (SIL) Performance-Level
performance management Leistungsmanagement
performance marketing Performance-Marketing
perimeter security Perimeter-Sicherheit
period Periodendauer
peripheral component interconnect PCI-Bus
peripheral compound Peripherieverbund
peripheral device Peripheriegerät
peripheral node control point (SNA) Steuerzentrale für periphere Knoten
perl screen Perlleinwand
permalink Permalink
permalloy Mu-Metall
permanent circuit connection Festverbindung
permanent circuit via satellite Festverbindung über Satellit
permanent virtual circuit Permanente virtuelle Verbindung
permeability Permeabilität
permission marketing Permission-Marketing
permissive license Permissive-Lizenz
permittivity Permittivität
permutation Permutation
perowskit solar cell Perowskit-Solarzelle
perpendicular magnetic recording Perpendicular-Recording
persistence Persistenz
persistent connection Persistente Verbindung
personal access communications system (mobile communications) PACS-Netz
personal communications network (mobile communications) Personenbezogenes Kommunikationsnetz
personal computer Personal Computer
personal computer memory card international association PCMCIA-Vereinigung
personal computer smartcard PC/SC-Schnittstelle
personal digital assistant Persönlicher digitaler Assistent
personal health record Persönliche Patientendaten
personal identification number Persönliche Identifikationsnummer
personal security environment Persönliche Sicherheitsumgebung
personal system/2 PS/2-Computer
personal unblocking key (mobile communications) PUK-Nummer
personalisation Personifizierung
personally identifiable information Personenbezogene Daten
pervasive computing Pervasive Computing
Peta Präfix für Billiarde
petabyte Petabyte
Petherick code Petherick-Code
petri net Petrinetz