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HTTP Version 2.0 (HTTP/2)

The HTTP protocol is used to transfer web page content. It is a request- response method in which the web client and the web server communicate with each other via the TCP protocol.

Since the HTTP protocol was standardized in 1999, web page content has changed significantly and consists of many details, sometimes several hundred, such as text, graphics, photos, and videos, so the transmission time for sending a web page has increased, especially since the HTTP protocol is not optimized to reduce latency. Because of this longer web page load time, the Internet Engineering Task Force( IETF) has standardized a version with a shorter latency with HTTP 2.0, HTTP/2, and the HTTP header compressionHPACK. Server push technology and parallel loading of multiple page elements over a single TCP connection also contribute to the reduction in latency.

HTTP/2 has the same syntax as HTTP 1.1, as well as the HTTP status codes, HTTP header fields, and Uniform Resource Identifier( URI). The HTTP/2 changes will not affect existing web applications. However, new applications may benefit from shorter load times. HTTP/3 will be followed by a revised version of HTTP/2.

Englisch: HTTP Version 2.0 - HTTP/2
Updated at: 18.02.2015
#Words: 181
Links: hypertext transfer protocol (Internet) (HTTP), protocol, web page, content, response (RSP)
Translations: DE

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