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Internet file system (IFS)

The Internet File System( IFS) is an imaginary file system. A real file system could hardly exist because of the many different hard platforms and software platforms that exist on the Internet.

The Internet File System (IFS) therefore simulates a file system with a central repository of the folders and the file links or peers that are published by the many computers. The peers share the files and folders in a database, but do not store the file contents. They only communicate with each other, but do not share files with each other.

The IFS architecture shows a simple implementation where the DB system is managed by the peers using a web service. The peer-to-peer communication is performed by a P2P framework library. Because of the complexity with the web service and the P2P framework, the flow is handled by a peer computer that controls the communication.

Englisch: Internet file system - IFS
Updated at: 09.11.2005
#Words: 147
Links: Internet, interframe space (802.11) (IFS), file system (FS), software (SW), repository
Translations: DE

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