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comité international special pertubations radioélectriques (CISPR)

The Comité International Special Pertubations Radioélectriques (CISPR) is a special committee for radio interference, founded as early as the 1930s. The CISPR develops guidelines for interference radiation measurements. The extensive subject area is dealt with by several working groups. They deal with interference radiation measurements of electronic and medical equipment, household appliances and lighting, power supply systems and networks, RF interference radiation from radio transmitters and other electromagnetic radiation sources.

In addition to the guidelines for interference radiation measurement, CISPR also develops the regulations for shielding measures and grounding of radiation measurement equipment. The elaborated guidelines are published in the CISPR standards, they serve the radiation and emission safety and are incorporated in the European Standard( EN) EN 550xx and in the VDE regulations.

Englisch: comité international special pertubations radioélectriques - CISPR
Updated at: 15.03.2010
#Words: 125
Links: interference (I), radiation (R), area, power supply (PS), electromagnetic radiation (EMR)
Translations: DE

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