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entrance facility

The term connection device has several meanings:

  1. The technical device of connections for connecting the terminal.
  2. Branch lines for connecting the terminal station or the private telecommunications equipment that is not part of the public telecommunications network.
  3. Telecom-owned power lines for connecting the private telecommunication equipment. The connection device may contain one or more connection points and, depending on the type of connection or branch line, may be equipped with or without a network termination function. A connection device without a network termination function is a junction box (ADo) or a telecommunications connection unit(TAE). It is used for connections with analog connection points. For connections with digital connection points, the connection device has a network termination function (e.g. data network termination device). In this case, the junction box or telecommunications connection unit (TAE) serves as a " socket" for the connection device; it is not itself a connection device.
Englisch: entrance facility
Updated at: 06.11.2012
#Words: 149
Links: connection, terminal, network, power (P), telecommunication (TC)
Translations: DE

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