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multimedia presentation

As it is clear from the name Multimedia Presentation, it is a presentation with multimedia technology. Such a presentation includes all media: texts and tables, graphics, images and photos, animations, audio and video clips, and also has a navigation structure.

By combining the different media, texts with comments or background music, tables with animations, etc., the viewer's receptivity becomes much more efficient than with single media presentations. Multimedia Presentation is an efficient presentation technique for smaller and larger auditoriums, for knowledge transfer for tutorials, lectures and learning programs.

In a multimedia presentation, a wide variety of programs and streaming techniques are used. For example, Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's PowerPoint can be used to create effective multimedia presentations and to implement innovative technical ideas such as kineastic effects. Interesting aspects for multimedia presentations are also given by the interaction of the viewers or learners.

Englisch: multimedia presentation
Updated at: 28.05.2012
#Words: 143
Links: arsenic (As), name, multimedia (MM), media, graphics
Translations: DE

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