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organic electronics association (polymer electronics) (OE-A)

The Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) is an organization dealing with polymer electronics and functional printing of printed electronics.

The Organic Electronics Association is affiliated with the VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. - German Engineering Federation), it was founded in 2004, and its more than 120 members come from all areas of the value chain, but they are also research institutes and companies that see themselves as representing the interests of "electronics made of plastic".

Printed electronic circuit with flexible battery, pushbutton and display, photo:

Printed electronic circuit with flexible battery, pushbutton and display, photo:

The aim of the Polymer Electronics Organization is to exchange experience and to provide a competitive infrastructure for the production of plastic-based electronic components. The OE-A has organized its areas of expertise into organic photovoltaics, organic solar cells, flexible displays, OLEDs for lighting, electronic components, RFID cards, printed memories, organic sensors, flexible batteries, smart objects and and smart textiles.

Englisch: organic electronics association (polymer electronics) - OE-A
Updated at: 26.11.2021
#Words: 146
Links: polymer electronics, printed electronics, infrastructure, photovoltaics (PV), radio frequency identification (RFID)
Translations: DE

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