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quarter-wave antenna

A quarter-wave antenna is an antenna that is grounded on one side and tuned to one quarter of the wavelength. This means that the length of the antenna is one quarter of the wavelength.

The antenna length of a quarter-wave antenna would be 3.75 cm assuming a frequency of 2 GHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of 15 cm. The quarter-wave antenna is also known as the Marconi antenna. It is omnidirectional in its radiation pattern, meaning that it radiates evenly in all directions. The quarter-wave antenna is the shortest antenna that can be used effectively in radio technology.

Englisch: quarter-wave antenna
Updated at: 17.12.2014
#Words: 96
Links: antenna, frequency (f), gigahertz (GHz), also known as (aka), omnidirectional
Translations: DE

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