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one time pad (encryption) (OTP)

The one-time pad( OTP) method is an encryption method that uses a key only once. This key consists of a random number and must have the same length as the plaintext.

In the one-time pad method, the key is combined with the plaintext in an XOR operation. The result leads to a random sequence. During decryption, the process is reversed.

The on-time pad, whose underlying encryption method Lucifer was developed by IBM as early as 1974, is very costly because it requires an equal amount of keys as of transmitted data. However, it is also very secure, since statistical analysis is not possible; provided that the keys are purely random and are used only once.

Englisch: one time pad (encryption) - OTP
Updated at: 04.03.2008
#Words: 114
Links: pad, one time programmable (PLD) (OTP), method, encryption method, key (K)
Translations: DE

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